Pros and Cons of Renting Equipment vs. Buying Heavy Machinery

Have you ever asked what are the pros and cons to renting equipment compared to buying heavy equipment such as excavators, bulldozers, skid steers

There are many factors to consider when deciding whether to rent equipment or buy heavy machinery. Both options have their own set of pros and cons that need to be weighed before a final decision is made. In this blog post,Guest Posting we will discuss the advantages and disadvantages of renting vs. buying construction equipment. We will also provide tips on how to make the best decision for your business!

One thing to consider asking the rental company is if they offer long term leases or rental agreements that give the option to purchase the equipment at the end of the term. This allows you to minimize the upfront capital needed and if you finish the project early you are not stuck with a piece of equipment that you no longer need. But if the project gets delayed or you have another project come up you will have the option to purchase the machine and potentially lower your monthly expenses. We found a company that offered a bulldozer rental in Mooresville, NC under this exact type of agreement.

Advantages of renting equipment:

-Renting equipment is often more affordable than buying, especially if you only need the machinery for a short-term project.

-You can try out different types of equipment to see which one best suits your needs before making a purchase.

-Renting also allows you to avoid the maintenance and storage costs associated with owning machinery.

Disadvantages of renting equipment:

-You may not have the flexibility to use the equipment when you need it if someone else has rented it first.

-Rental companies may not always have the specific type of equipment that you need in stock.

-There is usually a limit on how long you can rent the equipment for, which may not be ideal if you have a long-term project.

Advantages of buying heavy machinery:

-You will have full control over when and how you use the equipment.

-Owning construction equipment can be a valuable asset for your business.

-Buying machinery can often be more cost-effective in the long run than renting, especially if you plan to use it frequently.

Disadvantages of buying heavy machinery:

-The upfront cost of purchasing construction equipment can be very expensive.

-You will be responsible for storing and maintaining the equipment, which can add to your overall costs.

-If you only need the machinery for a short-term project, buying may not be the most cost-effective option.

Tips for making the best decision:

-Consider how often you will need to use the equipment. If you only need it for a one-time project, renting might be the better option. However, if you plan to use the machinery regularly, buying might be more cost-effective in the long run.

-Think about the type of project you will be using the equipment for. Some projects may require specialized equipment that you might not need again, making renting a more practical option.

-Calculate your overall costs before making a decision. This should include the upfront cost of purchasing or renting, as well as any ongoing costs such as storage, maintenance, and insurance.

The different types of equipment available for rent are:



-Skid steers






Making the decision to buy or rent construction equipment is a big decision that should not be made lightly. Weighing the pros and cons of each option is essential to ensure you make the best choice for your business. Use the tips above to help you make an informed decision that will suit your needs and budget! Which option is best for you will ultimately depend on a variety of factors unique to your business. Hopefully, this blog post has provided some helpful information to assist you in making the best decision for your company! Thank you for reading!

How To Find Used Laundry Equipment For Sale

We have a wide selection of used commercial laundry equipment for sale, so you can find the perfect fit for your business.

Are you ready to start your own laundry business but don’t want to break the bank? Finding used laundry equipment for sale can be a great way to get started. In this blog post,Guest Posting we will explore the many options available for purchasing used laundry equipment and provide some tips on what to look for when making your decision. Read on to find out more!

Where can I find used laundry equipment for sale?
If you’re looking for used laundry equipment for sale, there are a number of places you can explore. Some local newspapers, classified ads websites and even garage sales may be good sources for finding used commercial laundry equipment. You might also consider contacting your local textile or fabric shop to inquire about any surplus inventory that might be available for sale. Before making any purchases, ensure that the equipment is in working order by checking the machines’s water pressure and temperature settings.

What is used laundry equipment?
Used laundry equipment can be found online and at yard sales, though it is typically less expensive to buy new. There are often many different models of commercial laundry equipment available, so it can be hard to know which one is the best for your needs. Some factors to consider when looking for used equipment include the type of clothing you wash, the size of your washing machine, and how much space you have in your laundry room.

What are the benefits of buying used laundry equipment?
There are a few benefits to buying used laundry equipment. For starters, you can save a lot of money on your purchase. Second, used equipment is usually in good condition and has been tested before being sold so it is likely to work well. Finally, used equipment is often available from reputable dealers who have a strong knowledge of the industry and are able to provide accurate information about the item.

How do I know if a piece of used laundry equipment is in good condition?
It’s important to take preventative measures when inspecting used laundry equipment for sale in order to avoid wasting time and money on a faulty machine. Always visually inspect the machines for signs of heavy wear and tear including dents, rust, and missing pieces; if any of these are present, it may be best to pass on the machine altogether. Additionally, perform an electronic check of the equipment’s warranty status and make sure that all necessary documentation is available including serial numbers and manufacturer contact information. If everything looks good, put in an offer!

Finding used commercial laundry equipment for sale shouldn’t be so difficult
Researching Online Resources
Finding commercial laundry equipment for sale shouldn’t be so difficult. There are a few online resources that can help you find the right piece of equipment for your business. One of the best ways to find used laundry equipment is to visit classified ads websites. You can also contact local businesses that sell laundry equipment and ask if they have any pieces that they are willing to sell. You can also search for commercial laundry equipment on websites like eBay and Craigslist. Make sure to read the descriptions and reviews before making a purchase.

Visiting Local Stores
Commercial laundry equipment is often in high demand and can be difficult to find for sale. However, by visiting local stores and doing your research, you should be able to find the perfect piece of equipment for your business.

When looking at commercial laundry equipment, keep in mind the size of the load that it can handle. Larger machines are better suited for large loads while smaller machines are ideal for smaller loads. Also consider the features that you need in a machine, such as a washer and dryer unit or a front-load machine with spin cycles. Once you have identified which type of commercial laundry equipment is best for your needs, make sure to visit several dealerships in order to compare prices and test out the different models before making a decision.

How To Find The Right Industrial Metal Finishing Company

Looking for an industrial metal finishing company that can help with your project? Here are a few tips on how to find the right one.

If you are in need of an industrial metal finishing company,Guest Posting there are a few things you should take into consideration. In this blog post, we will go over a few tips on how to find the right industrial metal finishing company for your needs.

What is industrial metal finishing?
Industrial metal finishing is a process that coats metallic objects, such as machines and tools, with a protective finish to prevent oxidation and other damage. The process can be divided into two stages: pre-polishing and polishing.

In the pre-polishing stage, the object is first cleaned using harsh chemicals or abrasive pads to remove any rough patches or rust. Next, it’s dried off completely before being polished using extremely fine grits of sandpaper or chemical-resistant cloth. This step ensures that all traces of residue from the cleaning process are removed and that the metal is in its most pristine condition for later paint applications.

The polishing stage consists of these main steps: buffing (rubbing away excessive rubbing marks with an ultra-fine grit), dressing (shaping and smoothing the surface with buffers), and wiping (using water or other liquids to remove dust and small chips).

This procedure produces a high level of glossiness and smoothness on most metals, although there are rare cases where a more aggressive treatment may be necessary. Finishes produced in this way can last for many years under normal conditions; however, they can be damaged if scratched or scraped inadvertently.

Benefits of industrial metal finishing
Industrial metal finishing is a process that is used to enhance the look and characteristics of metals. This process can be used to improve the overall appearance of metal parts, as well as give them a more finished and polished look. There are a number of benefits that can be gained from industrial metal finishing, including increased durability and strength, improved resistance to corrosion, and enhanced looks.

One of the main benefits of industrial metal finishing is the increase in durability and strength. Metal parts that have been treated with this process will typically be stronger than those that have not been treated, which will result in less damage during use. Additionally, industrial metal finishing can also improve the resistance to corrosion – something that is important for metals that are used in environmental conditions such as water or air. Finally, thanks to the enhancement of looks that comes with industrial metal fining

How to find the right industrial metal finishing Cleveland, Ohio
Finding the right industrial metal finishing Cleveland, Ohio company can be a daunting task. There are a variety of factors to consider, including price, quality, and service. Here are some tips to help you find the right company:

*Do your research.*

Before hiring any company, be sure to do your research. Look at customer reviews and ratings online to get an idea of the quality of the work performed by the company. Also, contact other businesses in your area to get their opinion on the best industrial metal finishing companies.

*Ask for references.*

Once you have narrowed down your search, ask the companies you are considering for references. This will help you get a better idea of their quality and work ethic.

*Check out the company’s facilities.*

Be sure to visit the company’s facilities to see how they operate and what equipment they use. This will give you a better idea of their quality and work ethic.

*Ask about pricing and terms of service.*

Be sure to ask about pricing and terms of service before hiring any company. You want to make sure you are getting a good deal on quality workmanship.

Tips for industrial metal finishing
There are a few things to keep in mind when choosing an industrial metal finishing company. First, make sure the company has experience with the type of metal you are working with. Second, make sure the company has the proper equipment and facilities to handle your project. Finally, be sure to ask about pricing and availability before making a decision.

Case studies of industrial metal finishing
Case studies of industrial metal finishing can provide valuable insights into the process and techniques involved in metal finishing. This can help potential clients choose the right company for their specific needs.

In conclusion, it is important to find a reputable industrial metal finishing company that can provide the best possible results for your specific needs. Case studies of successful industrial metal finishing projects can be helpful in making this decision.

You Need a Business Plan for Inernet Success

Find out the basics for beginning your own online business and the web site you will need to succeed. Find you what you need to start online.

Get rich quick on the internet. How many times do you see that phrase or something like it as you surf the web? There are so many schemes out there to accomplish that goal. But how many people actually get to that dream?

Very few. And why is that? The biggest mistake that most beginning internet marketers make is not going into their project with a “business mindset”. They’re looking at an internet business as a “get rich” scheme. They doom their success from the get go.

To start an internet business you first need a plan. With a brick and mortar business this business plan is usually made to attract investors or secure a bank loan for start up money. But the internet is different territory. An internet business still needs a plan to focus its efforts.

The business plan in this sense is to subject your ideas of selling online to a vigorous scrutiny and see if your plans meet the test of what you will need to actually make it online. Your business plan is your game plan.

Without a true business plan or a true plan of attack,Guest Posting all the software, product development and marketing strategies are just hit and miss exercises. That’s why you need a good business plan from the start. Without a business plan your chances of failure are greatly increased. Your business plan should include what you are going to do to succeed as well as what you will do if things fail miserably. All angles should be covered.

Business plans force you to do the research that most internet businesses fail to do before they start. This is vital to the success of your business. If you already have a product, then you’re one step ahead of the game. Most of us don’t though. Here’s where making a business plan will allow you to think about your interests and passions that might make good niches to market products in.

You can begin to research keywords revolving around your interests to see if there are opportunities for developing products that will meet the needs of the people surfing those keywords. Search for those keywords that have high traffic and then search for related keywords that are also in demand. This type of research will become the basis of your internet business plan.

Out of your keyword research you should come up with a product or service idea you wish to market on the internet. You must precisely describe what it is. What is needed to develop this product? What makes it unique? This marks the first phase of your business plan research and leads into the next.

Researching markets goes hand in hand with product research. And it isn’t looking for those pre-made websites that don’t cost you a dime and that make someone else rich. It’s looking for relevant keywords around which your business theme and business web site will be built upon.

This has to be a solid foundation so that your online business will succeed. It’s the old cliche: “Those who fail to plan, plan to fail”. It’s a known fact that 95% of those that start an online business will fail. Why not plan to succeed? And when you’re planning, don’t plan to become rich overnight. That’s what so many online gurus keep telling you what’s going to happen.

Have you noticed? All those gurus have these large lists they mail to every day, every week, or whenever. They keep telling you about the latest business opportunity that will make you rich overnight or in just a few days. But the next day, they email you again with the newest way to make money online and it’s a whole new program you have to join. Soon, you’re spending all this money on programs that are going to do it for you online but no money is coming in.

The only people that get rich on those schemes are the people starting them and the large list owners that are promoting them. Yet there are thousands taking these gurus up on these types of “businesses” every day. Believe it or not, an internet business doesn’t materialize overnight and make you rich. An online business is like any other business, building slowly over time. You just have to stick with it.

You want your online business to endure time. Remember, most of those gurus promote business programs that are fly-by-night. They’ll be here today, gone tomorrow. That’s why they’re always dangling a new business scheme in your face, hoping you’ll bite on it an make them some money today. Tomorrow they’ll have to promote a new one because they’ve made their money and have left you out on the line to dry.

Your web site is your store front. It must be carefully designed to attract visitors. Without people viewing it, you will have not sales. The web site’s objective’s and design must be taken into account in your online business plan. Make sure your plan is specific in your objectives and the web site meets these. Here again, the web site should grow to meet the needs of your business and be enduring. A site that people come back to time and time again because it’s loaded with new and pertinent information.

Your web site should reflect where you want to make your income. If you want to make your income from Asense ads, then you need lots of informational content. If you’re making income from affiliate programs, then you want a site that sells the affiliate program. If you are selling your own product, then your site should center around the benefits of that product and ultimately send your visitor to a sales page that clinches the deal.

All of this should be considered when making your online business plan. The plan is the pivital document which your business is centered. A business plan makes you think about all of this and centers your business. It is all inclusive and done before you jump into the internet side of things. Don’t just jump in. Have a true plan for your online business. Think it all out before you make your leap.

With a well thought out plan, your online business will succeed. Without forethought and planning, you’re bound to fail. Go into the internet as you would with a brick and mortar business and you are marching into success.

Develop A Marketing And Marketing Communications Strategy And Plan For Small Or Midsized Companies

Planning for the year ahead is never an easy task. Lack of resources (people, time, budget), keeping up to date on what’s going on in your market, obtaining quality leads and improving brand awareness and reputation have become increasingly difficult for all organizations – for profit companies as well as nonprofits. This has become especially true among US CEO’s who are concerned with not just domestic but also international uncertainties.

Developing A Marketing And Marketing Communications Strategy Is Critical

This should be your priority. Without a strategy for a plan there are way too many opportunities to get off track and chew up your investment. Your ROI will suffer. Consider the following to focus your efforts when developing your strategy and plan:

1. Determining, understanding and verifying your target customers and prospects should be at the top of your agenda. To improve profitability and ROI you must know what your audience wants and needs, how they perceive your brand and how it stands up to competition.

Be sure to avoid industry and company “myths” and internal “opinions”. Employ primary and secondary research to understand your audience. With so much information available about companies and brands, it is truly the Age Of The Consumer and will be for a very long time.

2. Additionally, as part of your knowledge of your audience, determine the size and scope of various sub-segments that exist today and will tomorrow. For example, does your audience include women, or Asians, or Hispanics? If so, look at the dramatic growth of these segments of the populations and determine if your brand needs to pay particular attention to them.

Also, recognize that millennials (23% of the US population) are not a homogenous group. At the younger end (20 – 28 years), 40 percent t are currently living rent free with family, while at the older end (29 – 35 years), 43 percent have already purchased a home. With that in mind, how should your strategy differ if you’re targeting adults 55 years and older (21% of US population)?

3. Once you clearly understand your audience, develop your unique brand position. To do this, create a brand positioning statement. The statement is a succinct description of the core target audience to whom the brand is directed and a compelling picture of how you want your audience to view the brand. Sound simple? Take a few minutes and try to answer the four components of your positioning:

· The target audience, in very specific detail

· The category in which you complete and its relevance to customers

· The brand’s benefit and point of difference

· A reason for the customer to believe – the most compelling proof

All marketing and marketing communications should flow from this positioning, and it should be fully understood and embraced by all employees, sales reps, partners and management.

4. Improving brand awareness is very important but only the first step. You also need to create great customer experiences with each touch point of your brand. And that means creating brand advocacy at all levels of contact. Develop brand champions at every level of purchase and repurchase to improve ROI.

Be sure these influencers completely understand, believe and can articulate your brand premise. And provide them with the training and tools to convey their trust-worthiness in a believable manner.

Developing A Focused Marketing And Marketing Communications Plan And Budget

After the hard work of developing a meaningful strategy, recognize it’s equally important to develop a specific plan and budget. The following should be taken into consideration:

1. You must be media neutral and open minded in developing your plan and budget. It is extremely important to understand the difference between “efficiency” and “effectiveness”, and not get caught up with the latest trendy new tactic.

Regardless of the specific marketing tactic, or type of digital or traditional media, you’re evaluating, keep in mind that cost efficiency does not necessarily lead to effective results. Also, and most importantly, the best source of marketing communications leverage is the quality of the message, not the marketing tactic.

2. The scope and diversity of marketing and marketing communications tactics has grown faster than the ability to measure some of them. Marketers now are actually spending money without knowing how it impacts their profitability and ROI! Consider the variety of ways in which nearly $450 billion is expected to be spent in the US in 2018:

· Sales promotion ($83 billion), telemarketing ($60 billion), direct mail (($46 billion) and events ($40 billion) highlight projected 2018 US Marketing Services expenditures;

· The internet ($78 billion), television ($68 billion) and the combination of radio, newspapers and magazines ($47 billion) are projected to be at the top of the 2018 US Major Media spending categories.

Source: Zenith Total US Spending

And while it may surprise you, 90 percent of consumers (and 94 percent of millennials) still use coupons. The coupons come from a variety of on-line and traditional mediums, but mail is most popular. Why do marketers still use coupons? The simple answer is because they’re effective in guiding purchase. In developing your own plan and budget, determine and recognize the effectiveness of all marketing tactics, not just their efficiency.

ROI Focused Marketing And Marketing Communications Consultants

If you’re like most small and midsized companies, you and your team may not have the expertise or time to develop an ROI focused marketing and marketing communications strategy, plan or budget.

Even major global brands are seeking outside advisors. In my May article, I discussed the dramatic growth of management and accounting consulting practices (33% increase in US revenue) at the expense of traditional global advertising agencies (0.3% increase in US revenue). One reason for this 2017 growth of consultants is their focus – not on trends or what’s in the news – but on marketing and marketing communications effectiveness, profitably and ROI.

While you may not be able to afford the large global consultants, you should consider hiring a marketing and/or marketing communications consultant. The type of people you should hire should:

· Have a focus on ROI, with significant experience across industries, b2b and b2c brands, both large and small, as well as for profit and nonprofit organizations

· Be media neutral, apolitical, down to earth, be willing to be part of a team and “tell it like it is” so candor will flourish

· Have flexibility to bring in other professional specialists when and as needed so that overhead isn’t an ongoing expense

· Have strong convictions to measure what has been done and measure what will be done to improve ROI, perhaps including a marketing communications audit

In today’s challenging environment, a greater focus on strategy, planning and budgeting can go a long way toward leapfrogging competition and improving brand profitability. And the fresh eyes of a consultant can go a long way to building a meaningful future for your brand.

BBA: How Can a Degree in Marketing Help in Your Career?

Bachelors of Business Administration is a very common choice among people who are interesting in management. There are various kinds of BBA courses, some people opt to do a generic or a specialised course. If you are interested in marketing management, analysis of the market and advertising, you can do a specialised course of BBA in Marketing. The course helps develop communication skills along with quantitative analysis. There are standard subjects of management but the core focus is on marketing and advertising. Marketing is an important social process for any company as it helps them target the right and intended audience. It doesn’t mean selling but instead consists of economic activities like production of goods, merchandising function, physical distribution of goods, and many other supportive functions. It prepares a firm to act in times of distress and the individual is trained in how to undertake crucial tasks such as competitor analysis.

What does the course teach?

Marketing management deals with applying principles of management and business principles to promote and sell products or services. The evolved form of marketing management course also includes digital marketing along with the traditional forms. Managing the marketing is very important for any business. Every aspect including financial services like loans and banking require marketing. Through BBA students learn business processes and practices and understand how economics works in the world marketplace. It benefits the students by giving practical training in management which can help them to adjust and work in big or small organizations. The course is also very rewarding in terms of the perks, incentives and salary package and is therefore a preferred choice of career.

Some of the subjects that the course teaches are:

Organizational behaviour

Principles of Management

Business Communication

Marketing Management

Marketing Process

Marketing Environment

Targeting and Positioning

Product Management

Brand Management

HR management

Finance management


Distribution Management

Marketing Information systems

Consumer Behaviour

Marketing Research

Customer Relationship Management

International Marketing Management

The course equips you in skills like decision making and management. The advantage of doing a BBA course is that you can get a job in any industry ranging from media to automotive or fashion. You can also opt for a job in private or public sector as everything requires marketing. Marketing also teaches you how to understand consumer behavior according to which the company changes their strategy.

What is the scope of BBA Marketing in India?

Students who have graduated with a marketing degree, they can make a career in sales as an executive or go into research analysis. The course usually requires students to write a thesis or a dissertation which can help in higher studies. You can opt for a generic or a specialised Masters in Business administration. Marketing is also offered as a specialised subject in masters. After pursuing your masters, you can work as Chief Executive Officer (CEO) or Chief Operating Officer (COO). The most important thing is that any marketing manager needs to be use new business strategies and strategic tools, technology and processes and adapt to new situations.

The research that you do in your bachelors can also helpful market analysis and studying the fluctuating market and making a strategy according to it. After their bachelors in business administration, some common careers may include the following:

Sales manager

Promotions manager

Public relations manager

Advertising manager

Marketing manager

Marketing strategist

Brand manager

PR specialist

Marketing manager

Advertising professional

Market analyst

Source by Stratford University

At an entry-level a BBA degree holder can earn from Rs. 10,000 to 30,000 per month, depending on what company you choose to work in. Universities and College usually have a good placement for BBA graduates.

Comparing Traditional and Digital Marketing

Digital Marketing versus Traditional Marketing is one of the most heated new age debates that we often come across. While on one hand the tech heads give you the most obvious justification of fast paced digitization as to why digital marketing clearly surpasses traditional marketing. Corporate Executives, on the other hand, functioning in conventions, would more obviously than not justify traditional marketing. Before we ponder on this debate further,let us first understand what essentially distinguishes the two.

What is Traditional Marketing?

Traditional Marketing refers to the conventional methods of promoting a brand. This includes newspaper ads, magazine ads, billboards, brochures, hoardings etc. Traditional marketing also includes network marketing. In its most basic sense, Traditional marketing refers to a structured effort on endorsing one’s brand but without any reliance on online methodologies. Traditional offline media are often the channels that brands incorporate when it comes brand promotion.

The tools for Traditional Marketing are:

1.Print Marketing
2. Broadcast Marketing
3. Referral Marketing
4. Outdoor Marketing
5. Publication Marketing

Let us Look at a few examples of Traditional Marketing:

A. Vicks, a prominent brand in India came up with a campaign called Touch of Care. The ad film showcased a a daughter’s relationship with her transgender mother. This ad film that went viral because of how it truly the touched a chord with the sentimentality of the audience.

B. Dove, around mid 2000s came up with the idea of giving away free samples with morning newspapers. This strategy truly helped the brand popularize itself. This brand strategy completely worked in the brand’s favour.

What is Digital Marketing?

Digital Marketing as the name suggests refers to the marketing efforts of a brand using online channels. It refers to how a brand handles it online reputation. Optimizing your brand forms the backbone in this case. The biggest channel definitely is the Internet. The sub channels include websites, blogs, Social media platforms etc. Digital Marketing includes a step of intricate procedures.

The tools include:

1. Facebook Marketing
2. Digital Campaigns
3. Search Engine Optimization
4. Content Marketing
5. Influencer Marketing

Let us Look at a few examples of Digital Marketing:

A. Kitkat hit it big with their influencer marketing strategy. Their challenge on which involved participants lip syncing to the new jingle was quite a rage. It brought great popularity to the brand image of Kitkat.

B. Kellogg’s launched their digital campaign using Stranger Things on Netflix. We saw in the series how Eleven was obsessed with Kellogg’s Eggo waffles. This online promotion that incorporated storytelling elements really brought about a string of desirable effects for the brand.

Which one Should you go for?

The market conditions are reflective of the cut throat competition that prevails currently. In a situation like this both offline and online presence count. While it is extremely important to maintain effective optimization and an impressive online reputation, it is equally vital to maintain a strong offline presence.

Despite having different channels,both traditional and digital marketing run on similar strategies. The Marketing Mix, the backbone of any marketing strategy, consisting of Price,Product, Place and Promotion,is essentially what goes into both traditional as well as digital marketing. Therefore a perfect marketing strategy should be the right blend of traditional and digital marketing.While SEO, SMM, etc are great ways of reaching people’s computer screens but there exists a world beyond that which can be reached through the facets of traditional marketing.

As you saw, Marketing can be quite a fix. They are services that call for expert advice and professional help. If done right, Marketing can have a sweeping influence which will bring about a string of beneficial outcomes for your ambitious brand.

Bangalore, India is the hub of creative agencies. There are a bunch of creative agencies for Hoardings, Brochures, ad films etc. that operate here one of which is Moshi Moshi.

Moshi Moshi is a renowned creative ad agency. They offer you premium services in Branding, Digital Marketing, Animation Videos, Digital Signage and much more.

The Importance of Great Branding For Small Business

Today, branding has become more economical and fuss free and is not limited to big businesses only. A good brand does require a little bit of effort, money and time but it’s not what you can call impossibility for small business to achieve now.What does branding mean; what comes to your mind when you hear about Addidas, or Channel or IBM? Whatever images, personal experiences or thoughts you associate with each of them, is what is called as a brand. A brand is actually, the logo, message, design or character of your product or service, that differentiates it from the others in the market.According to experts, it is vital for small businesses to brand themselves. Your logo and other marketing materials, has a great impact on your company’s profits. The reasons are numerous;The logo, usually a starting point for a brand, symbolizes your commitment, professionalism and strength. It standardizes your business. An attractive business package, consisting of logo, brochures, graphics, and other business materials leaves a lasting impression on clients. Remember, choose color scheme, design, feel and over all look of your logo, carefully and be consistent about it.A brand needs a personality; a unique logo is more than just an image especially for small businesses. It is the key to your recognition. For instance “South hall country side printing press” is a long, boring and lame company name, instead CSPP or a smart logo made out of this, would definitely make a whole lot of difference. You see, branding your business makes people feel you have been around for some time. It makes you stand out and look bigger than the others.Brand characterization, usage of appropriate colors and graphical designs in all the marketing materials echoes your thoughts, objectives and over all, your reputation. Adding to this a tagline or message is as important as a logo. Brands should be presented with an attractive yet meaningful message. It doesn’t need to be complicated. McDonald’s tagline “I’m lovin’ it” is really what you and I both love.Your brand actually serves as a promise. When people consider your brand, they are expecting the fulfillment of this promise. Your brand is actually the reflection of who you are and what your aim is. It’s not about competition, or attracting a huge market of clients, rather it’s the way to make people believe in what you provide, as the key to their problems. It’s about building trust. What matters is not the number of people buying a product or service, but the number of times a single person prefers it again. Think like this, you have a business; say you had 2000 visitors per day, good! Right? Yes, it is progress but success would be when at least 1000 or more of these same people visit you again.So what would make all those people come back to you?; A satisfying and positive experience. When people have had a good experience while exploring or using your product/service, it’s likely they will get hold of it again. So gain their confidence. Once you have achieved this, rest assure that your future extensions of the business will have a warm welcome. Look at Maybelline for example, every now and then it comes up with the same kind of face foundation only in a new style, but still gets an enormous response. Well, that’s what is called trust. People feel confident that whatever the brand Maybelline presents, must be good.And how do you achieve this trust?; By clearly understanding the requirements and wishes of your clients. You should have an emotional link with them. A great logo, attractive designs and an encouraging message is all what is needed to validate your reliability and gain customer loyalty. So go on and give your business an IDENTITY.Happy Branding!!

Branding Beyond Marketing

Imagine you are about to embark on a trip of a lifetime. You’ve received brochures for a luxury resort. The rooms are lavish; the grounds impeccable. Photos of the restaurant’s signature dishes look delectable. You’re sold.You go to the hotel. The room is musty and a tad dirty. The food is barely passable. Service is brusque and spotty at best. When you complain to management, you’re met with indifference, or worse, silence. You leave disillusioned and disgusted. For all the resort’s slick marketing, they’ve fallen woefully short.Branding goes well beyond marketing. It will not be successful without ensuring that all aspects of your business reflect and support your intended brand. One of your most valuable assets–your people–must be well-trained in articulating and delivering on your brand. This step is particularly important for service organizations that don’t have concrete products. Their offerings are soft assets like knowledge, experience and people.When employees don’t deliver the brand, it can be the kiss of death for a business. Don’t believe me? Visit a hotel review web site like Peruse travelers’ comments and you’ll likely come across more than a few who cite poor customer service for their negative hotel reviews. Conversely, employees who represent the brand flawlessly and consistently can propel a business to stardom.Brand: The Sum of All its Parts Despite what many believe, brand isn’t about your logo, tagline and glossy brochure. Instead, a strong brand integrates multiple components, all of them necessary, including customer interactions, employee communications, corporate philosophy and advertising/marketing efforts. Your brand extends to your employees, customers, the media and even the general public as the above story illustrates. If these components don’t consistently reinforce your brand, customers will become dissatisfied. The negative impact of their perception, should they voice their opinions to other potential customers or even the media, could have a ripple effect on your business. This can erode your brand equity and create misperceptions about your company in the market, that in turn could lead prospective customers, employees and investors to pass on your organization.On the other hand, brand consistency throughout all levels of the organization helps drive an organization to grow and prosper. Strong brands can drive an increase in sales. The company is better suited to attract and retain the best employees. Vendors can see value in your brand and look to establish partnerships with your business, while investors will see the business and your brand equity as a valuable commodity.Branding through Your EmployeesYour employees are one of the most critical touch points for your customer. Here are several steps to ensure that they are representing your brand in the best light possible.Develop a Company Philosophy. A thoughtfully planned philosophy that guides how your company operates is the first step to reinforcing your brand among your workforce. The prestigious Ritz Carlton Hotel Company is an excellent example. They have created the following five “Gold Standards” for their business operations that reinforce the brand and detail an employee’s role in delivering on this brand:
A vision to revolutionize hospitality in America by creating a luxury setting for guests and a credo that states the company’s commitment to the genuine care and comfort of its guests. A motto that exemplifies the level of service for its guests: We are ladies and gentlemen serving ladies and gentlemen.
Three Steps of Service: (1) A warm and sincere greeting that uses the guest name, if and when possible (2) Anticipation and compliance with guest needs, and (3) A fond farewell that uses a guest’s name, if and when possible. “20 Basics” that outline the responsibilities and expectations for how the company delivers on its service (including #13-Never Lose a Guest) The Employee Promise (“At The Ritz-Carlton, our Ladies & Gentlemen are the most important resource in our service commitment to our guests.”).

Maintain Brand Consistency. This step is essential to building a strong brand. However, it is often one of the first steps to unravel. You must establish consistency throughout all aspects of your organization. But setting the standards is not enough. You must constantly evaluate your actions. Establish checkpoints for each aspect of the business that interacts with customers and the general public. Ensure that each employee is empowered to identify and address inconsistencies in your brand. Fail to deliver on brand with one customer, and he or she might forget. Fail to do so for another, and he or she might not be so forgiving. It only takes a scant few to dispel the brand you are touting. Practice What You Preach. The best way to lead is by example. If your brand projects your organization as one which supports its employees and then reneges on that promise, your brand (and sales) will suffer. Case in point: Wal-Mart. The company says “We believe that one of the keys to our success is our people and how we treat them.” However, the retail chain has been the subject of unfair employee wage practice lawsuits. Moreover, though they say they value their target customer (the hard working middle class) their actions aren’t necessarily consistent with the rhetoric. Implement Brand Guidelines. In order to ensure brand consistency, your organization must establish a framework or set of brand guidelines for all to follow. We’re not merely talking about logo or corporate identity guidelines, but actual brand guidelines that communicate the company’s brand positioning statement, key messages, core values, brand attributes, measures of success and processes for handling customer issues or feedback. Federal Express was an early pioneer in this idea. The international shipper utilizes an Internet-based program which outlines the company’s brand guidelines. This detailed approach provides guidance on everything from the graphic standards for use of the company logo to how cultural differences affect brand (particularly important for global companies). Establishing brand guidelines leaves no room for misinterpretation and helps maintain consistency throughout all levels of the organization. Understand and Address Cultural Differences. With advancements in technology, communications and the Internet, we are truly becoming a global economy. Considering cultural differences when building a brand is more important than ever, particularly if your business has international reach. Words and phrases in America might not translate to the same meaning in another country. What customers value and perceive as positive in the United States may be perceived radically different elsewhere. In the past, the United States was the model that all others wanted to emulate. That isn’t necessarily the case today. Therefore, it is incumbent on corporations to ensure that their brands can transcend these cultural differences, if they are to have a greater geographical reach. Brand extends well beyond your marketing efforts. Your brand is only as good as the people behind it…and the people in front of your customer. Take the time to effectively build a corporate culture that mirrors your brand. Train your employees to represent that brand. Evaluate your consistency in delivering your brand across all aspects of your business. In doing so, you will strengthen your brand equity and position your company for greater success.

Brand Lo-o-o-o-o-ve…

So… how have you been building your brand lately?Now, I’m writing this in my best Barry White voice… “How’s
your Brand Lo-o-o-o-o-ve, baby?”It may sound obvious, but increase Brand Love by branding better.Branding your business better will help you increase awareness,
attractiveness, and affection of your prospects (so they become
customers), current customers (some people call them clients),
and employees (yup, they need to be sold on you, too).”Huh? I’ve heard of brand awareness, and brand attractiveness I
understand, but affection? Brand Love? Is this guy smoking
banana peels?”OK, I admit, that term may be hard to take– at first. But,
haven’t you expressed to someone that you love something? “I
love that soda.” “I love their pizza.” “I love that store.”See? You’ve been enamored with a brand before. And there’s a
very good chance you still are. So are other people.Why would you say you “love” soda, pizza, or a store? Because an
important nerve of yours has been hit. Some might call it “the
Sweet Spot.” And it may not be all that obvious what that Sweet
Spot is.A soda tastes best to you over all others by iteself. Or it may
go better with certain types of food you enjoy. Perhaps your
favorite pizza place makes the best tasting pizza. Maybe you
enjoy the surroundings and atmosphere as much as the food.When you think about your favorite shop, maybe you think they
always have just what you really want. Maybe you get treated
like royalty. Or you feel good you can afford what they have, or
because you can get a lot without spending much.Thankfully, somebody has probably said, “I love that…” about
your business. If they haven’t, you probably haven’t been open
very long– or will be open for much longer. Think of the last
referral that came in. They probably did so because someone had
high praise for you.Now… the trick is to find out what was so praiseworthy, and
effectively comunicate it to similar prospects.How to do it? Just ask for feedback.Talk to your clients/customers about their experiences. Usually,
they will have good things to say. Or at least they may buffet
some less-than-glowing reviews with some good stuff. Speaking of
“less than glowing,” when asking for feedback, be prepared for
“warts and all.”In fact, ask for it.When it’s really bad, you’ll hear it right away. But when there
are minor slip-ups, or things your business may NOT be doing,
those can easily fall through the cracks. Always stress you want
candid, HONEST answers. If you’re not willing to search out the
“bad stuff,” it will only get worse, and small problems can grow
exponentially.Or somebody realizes how you’re underserving the market and
takes advantage before you do.So, ask your clients questions casually. Or even print up 100 or
so quick response cards with three to five questions. With only
a couple of well-worded questions and space for their own
additional thoughts, you may not only get good feedback, you
might gain insight about your market, operation, or clientele
that takes business to the next level.Watch for more from me on this topic.
